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Added a class   to  , WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT - HTML
Heading Tag  
1. The <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6 > tags are used to define HTML headings.
2. Defines the most important heading and important for SEO.
3. Defines the least important heading. 

<h1> This is h1 heading tag</h1>  
<h2> This is h2 heading tag</h2>  
<h3> This is h3 heading tag</h3>  
<h4> This is h4 heading tag</h4>  
<h5> This is h5 heading tag</h5>  
<h6> This is h6 heading tag</h6> 

This is h1 heading tag
This is h2 heading tag
This is h3 heading tag
This is h4 heading tag
This is h5 heading tag
This is h6 heading tag
NOTE: tag is the biggest heading while is the smallest heading tag.
Added a class   to  , WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT - HTML
<p> tag 
Uses of <p> tag 

The <p> tag is used to define the HTML paragraph element. 
The paragraph element begins with the <p> tag and ends with the </p> tag. 
The HTML paragraph element should not contain tables and other block elements. 

<p> This is my first paragraph…</p> 
<p> This is my second paragraph…</p>  
<p> This is my third paragraph… </p> 
<p> This is another paragraph…</p>

Added a class   to  , WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT - HTML
The <html> defines the page is HTML5.
This tag is the root of an HTML page.
This tag contains meta information about the page. 
This tag can include a title for the document, scripts, styles, meta information and more.
The tag contains a title for the page. 
This tag is required in all HTML documents and it denote the title of the document. 
Displays a title for the page in search-engine results (important for SEO). 
More than one <title> tag in an HTML document is not allowed. 

This tag contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, etc
How to Run in computer   
In computer you need an editor (eg. notepad/notepad++/Sublime) for typing HTML code.
1. Open an editor
2. Type your HTML code.
3. Save the file with (.html) extension.
4. To execute the code just double click on the html file.

This file will open in your default browser and you can see the program output on your default browser.